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Our Story

14 Years in the Making

We started cooking for large groups in 2005...

Mike was working in the construction industry and the company he worked for would host “Top Out Lunches” for all of the construction workers involved in building a new commercial or industrial projects. The expense of calling in a caterer became cost prohibitive, so Mike decided he would try to cook for the next event to reduce expenses. There were mistakes made and lessons learned, but everyone ate well and enjoyed the meals.  



Then came the fundraisers....

for school sports and end of the season banquets. The kids were all involved in athletics, band and other after-school activities. One year we decided that instead of doing fundraisers selling chocolate bars and wrapping paper etc. etc., that Mike would smoke Boston Butts and we would sell them to raise money for the team. WELL…There were mistakes made, and lessons learned.  Somewhere in a landfill there is a couple hundred pounds of smoked meat that a dog wouldn’t eat.  But, we kept trying and things got better. The wood we used in the beginning was pecan. One day the man we bought the pecan wood from said he didn’t have any more, so we switched to oak. Knowing that we wanted consistency of product and we would never run out of oak in our area, oak has become the smokey flavor that we are known for today.



The rub was so expensive!

The rub we were using in the beginning was a packaged blend that was very expensive and when we started selling 50 or more butts at a single fundraiser, that was a VERY big part of the expenses. We started doing some research into blending our own rub and discovered that we could do better, not only in price, but also in flavor and quality of the rub. Mistakes were made and lessons were learned….and now we make 100 pound batches of 3 different seasoning blends that show up in various dishes as they are produced and finished.



People started asking...

if they could buy our pulled pork even though we were not doing a fundraiser. Then people started asking if we could provide some side items for their gatherings.  We expanded into doing fish-frys, crawfish boils, plated dinners, buffets, weddings, birthday parties and reunions. “Cooking for friends” is what we did for several years. Then, Mike tried to partner into another company and put several years of work into building a catering business as his part of the company. Lessons were learned and mistakes were made… We left the restaurant industry and decided to start our own catering company. A full year of events were being scheduled and it looked like it would be a great year.



Then comes Covid... 

Almost every event was cancelled or postponed. We knew we had great products and we have always enjoyed serving what we make so the idea of a food truck was the answer to the shambles of the catering industry. We got lucky and through the help of a friend, found a gently used food trailer and began adapting it for our menu. Mistakes were made and lessons were learned….



& This is the beginning of Q 2 GO!

We will never stop learning and we will never stop making mistakes. Some of our worst mistakes have helped create some of the best things we do. We try to provide real food for real people at affordable prices. We strive to quickly fill the orders and take care of every customer as if they are friends, that asked us to cook dinner. We hope you enjoy all of the different menu items and explore with us as we add other great items.

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